Last Step.
You must validate your Vote.
If you do not validate your vote, it may not be counted.

We sent you an email with a Validation Code in it.
Please either click on the code in your email,
or copy-paste that code into the box below and click "Validate".

Check Your
SPAM Folder!

If you do/did not receive an email within 10 minutes or so ...

  1. Please check your SPAM folder.
  2. Search for an email that is from 'bestof@wtchamber.org'.
  3. If you still cannot find it, please send an email to bestof@wtchamber.org
    from the email address you used to vote, and we'll manually validate your vote.

Validation Code
(copy-paste from email or just click the link in the email)

If you are not ready to Validate now, the email has instructions for returning to this page to enter your Validation Code later.