Policy and Privacy

The Best Of vote is provided by the Greater Washington Township Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber) as a service to Washington Township businesses and residents. All aspects of the Best Of vote are at the sole action, discretion, and adjudication of the Chamber.

Each winner, by acceptance of the prize, agrees to release all Sponsors and the Chamber from all liability, claims, or actions of any kind whatsoever for injuries, damages, or losses to persons and property which may be sustained in connection with the receipt, ownership, or use of the prize.

The Chamber reserves the right to use any and all information related to the Contest, including information on contestants obtained through the contest, for marketing purposes or any other purpose, unless prohibited by law.

Data collected during the Best Of Vote is for the sole use of the Chamber in  performance of its operations, and will not be distributed to or used by third parties.

This contest is not intended for gambling. If it is determined that a contestant is using the contest for gambling purposes they will be disqualified and reported to authorities.

Violation of the spirit of the Best Of Vote may be deemed cause for disqualification, at the sole discretion of the Chamber.

The Chamber reserves the right to change the rules at any time.